Real Time Weather Information

on your Phone



Available weather information sources usually provide data likely from a station that’s far away, rendering the data useless for local decision making. In partnerships with aWhere, we collect weather data from meteorological stations around the world and interpolate it into 9km grid cells- it’s like having a complete meteorological station every 9km! Within each grid cell, we provide 3-5 years of historical, daily-observed and forecasted weather data.

This real-time weather data will not only help you plan your farming activities better but will also help you will spend less on farm inputs and get higher yields because you are able to plan your farming activities better. With only UGX 1,000 per week, you will receive real-time localized weather data specific to your parish (using GPS data) on your phone accurate up to a 9km radius.

The weather information is available via USSD, M-Omulimisa app and this website. You can access this information for free from this website. Select your district, sub-county and parish name and weather information for your parish will be presented to you in the following variables: precipitation, temperature, a 14-day forecast, and previous 10 Days Weather, Observed.

Subscription Packages


  • 2 Messages
  • Per Day
  • 7 Days


  • 2 Messages
  • Per Day
  • 7 Days


  • 2 Messages
  • Per Day
  • 356 Days

For more information, please contact us:

Toll-free: 0800219999
Airtel: 0701035192
MTN: 0776035192